Baby-Led and Adapted Baby-Led Weaning
Baby-Led Weaning Coaching for Babies Following Neurotypical Development
Are you getting ready to transition your baby to solid food feedings? Do you want to do baby-led weaning but you have no idea where to begin?
I provide virtual and in person coaching sessions where I can help guide you in selecting the appropriate size, shape, and texture of foods that are appropriate for your baby to help them build skill and safely transition to solids. I can also guide you on frequency of meals, how to balance breast and formula feeding versus solid food intake, foods to start with and how to prepare them and feeding equipment recommendations. I can answer your questions, help make the process less stressful and alleviate your concerns. Upon completion of the coaching session, you will receive a PDF summary of what we discussed and recommendations for next steps.
We can begin coaching sessions as early as 4 to 5 months of age to help you get prepared for your journey. Taking the virtual Transition to Solids class before doing coaching is recommended. It should be noted that these are coaching sessions not feeding therapy sessions.
For Parents of Babies Following Neurotypical Development Ages 6 to 12 Months
60-Minute Virtual or In Person Coaching

Adapted Baby-Led Weaning Coaching for Babies with Feeding Challenges
Does your baby have a diagnosis that impacts their ability to self-feed and feed safely? Do they have a diagnosis such as Down Syndrome or Noonan Syndrome, are they being tube fed or struggling with chewing or aversive to feeding? Would you like to know if your baby is ready to start solids? Would you like to know about the best seating for your baby, what to do if your baby is not interested in solids or ways to prepare for when your baby begins solid food intake?
I can coach and guide you on making adaptations using bridge devices such as silicone feeders and ways to present different sized, shaped and textured foods to help advance baby’s skills. Your baby’s feeding therapist can also be part of the coaching session, so they can help safely implement strategies. Upon completion of the coaching session, you will receive a PDF summary of what we discussed and recommendations for next steps.
We can begin coaching sessions as early as 4 to 5 months of age to help you get prepared for your journey. Taking the virtual Adapted Baby-Led Weaning class for parents before doing coaching and/or reading Your Baby Can Self-Feed, Too! is recommended prior to coaching. It should be noted that these coaching sessions are not feeding therapy sessions.
For Parents of Babies with Feeding Challenges Ages 6 to 12 Months
60-Minute Virtual or In Person Coaching
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